
Horoscopes today – Russell Grant’s star sign forecast for August 22


Energy levels are high but because emotions are up and down, careless, unpredictable actions could cause disaster. For this reason, think before you speak and act. Caution is necessary if you aren’t to upset someone or let yourself in for anything you might later regret. Rein in your fiery spirit.


A devious colleague is up to their usual tricks again. You are starting to realise they cannot be trusted. Something they do today will be the final straw. You’re tired of allowing other people to get away with using underhanded tactics to get their own way. If they expect you to do their bidding, they’re in for a big surprise.


A colleague who usually keeps to themselves will unexpectedly become very helpful and supportive. You are right to be suspicious as there is likely to be a hidden agenda behind their kindness. At least you know the support a family member offers comes purely out of the kindness of their heart.


You are starting to see a positive shift in all your relationships. Your willingness to communicate and find common ground will help create a more peaceful atmosphere at home. You will also realise that some recent confusion over a joint arrangement was simply a result of a minor misunderstanding.


You and a partner need to make a better effort to use your resources more effectively. You can make a start on this by discussing joint financial commitments. While you are at it, think about transferring savings into a scheme where you will get a better interest rate for your money.


A positive and enthusiastic approach paves the way to success. Working with like-minded people enhances your self-confidence. This is your chance to motivate a team. By adapting your approach to suit each individual’s needs you will achieve remarkable results.


Constant conflict at home or work is starting to take a toll on you. Despite your efforts to stay out of it, it’s impossible to ignore what’s happening. You also feel that both sides are equally at fault although the two people involved won’t want to hear this.


Some forethought and forward-planning will be necessary if you are to successfully achieve a goal. Chaos and division in the workplace will not get results. You will be facing questions from those in high places. Be sure to be ready with some sensible answers.


If you and a colleague are to work together in harmony you may need to resolve a recent misunderstanding. In order to begin to salvage things between you, you may have to swallow your pride and take back a few things said in the heat of the moment which you have been sticking rigidly to ever since.


It can be surprising when you are asked to work with or speak with someone you hardly know to find how much the two of you have in common. What will also amaze you is that despite your initial doubts about this arrangement, they will be much better company than you had expected.


Stress related illnesses could have something to do with you doing too much for others and not enough for yourself. If you’re struggling to get through everything you have committed to, ask for help. It’s about time other people showed you the same kind of consideration you have been showing them.


A partner’s moodiness has been on your mind and you’ve been worrying that you have done something to upset them. It will come as some relief to notice their bleak mood seems to have suddenly vanished. You can look forward to a happier and more harmonious phase ahead.

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