Tyzbiscuit wrote: “I scanned my shopping at the self checkout, paid and printed the receipt (all while being watched by a member of staff standing right behind me.)”
As they were walking away, a member of staff began shouting at them.
“I stopped and turned to see him staring at me accusingly and pointing at the self service screen. I asked what he meant and he said I had to pay for the item and shouted the price loudly across to me. Everyone was staring at this point, it was embarrassing.”
They explained they had already paid and didn’t owe anything else, even showing the receipt. The worker still halted the customer from leaving, until finally the supervisor came over and said “this happens sometimes.”
“There was no apology from either of them. As I turned around I heard the supervisor telling the staff member ‘well done for checking’ and it honestly gave me the rage. Why is it ‘well done’ to wrongly someone of shoplifting and then not apologise?”
Don’t miss…
Tyzbiscuit had an idea to avoid this: “I think that bar codes should be deactivated once the item has been paid for to avoid this sort of thing happening. I feel like raising this with the supermarket because I am still angry.”
In the comments, people questioned the idea. One user said if you buy three of the same product, they all have the same barcode, so it would be impossible to deactivate them.
Others said the confusion was likely their fault.
“This was caused by you accidentally starting a new transaction and scanning an item you’d already paid for. Presumably due to frenzied packing in front of the scanner instead of to the side where scanned shopping goes to be packed. This falls under user error.
I can’t blame the shop assistant for their reaction as the self checkouts are the #1 place where theives shoplift.”